Achilles tendinitis is an overuse injury, it refers to the inflammation of the Achilles tendon which is found at the back of the foot. It is particularly common in runners, joggers and jumpers, due to its repetitive action and so may occur in other activities that require the same repetitive action or movement.
Achilles tendonitis is when the tendon that attaches to our heel bone and calf muscle becomes inflamed due to the overuse of the ankle, resulting in pain and discomfort.
As well as the ankle, tendonitis can be found in other areas of the body such as elbow, shoulder and knee.
Tendonitis is mainly caused by repetitive movements; these actions irritates the Achilles tendon therefore causing it to become inflamed. Unfortunately, most tendon injuries occur as the result of gradual wear and tear to the tendon from overuse or ageing. Anyone who makes the same motion over and over in their sports, hobby, jobs or daily activities can suffer from tendinitis.
Other causes can include:
Achilles tendonitis often experience a burning pain around the tendon which progressively gets worse towards the end of an activity or once the activity has been completed.
The most common symptoms are:
Here at Complete Chiropractic, our Sports Therapists will carry out a thorough examination of the ankle to confirm or deny Achilles tendonitis.
Achilles tendinitis can be treated in different ways, depending on your signs and symptoms. A personalised treatment program will be designed.
Commonly used treatment methods include:
The aim of our Sports therapy treatment is to speed up your recovery from injury and prevent the tendonitis from reoccurring. The main benefits of Sports therapy treatment for Achilles tendonitis are: